Our Staycation - Cooking Across the Country!

Summer Vacation is here! We have 63 days to enjoy a little fun in the sun before returning to our classrooms! So, with lots of free time and a limited budget, we are planning to cook our way across the country!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Lobster: It's a MAINE Thing!

Maine is a state well known for two things - lobster and blueberries!  I was surprised to learn it is the largest state producer of the low-bush blueberries - actually 98%.  Maine's nicknames include the Pine Tree State, the Lumber State, The Switzerland of America (because of the mountains), and The Polar Star State.  Some of their silly state slogans are:  Worth a Visit-Worth a Lifetime, There is More to Maine, and Where America's Day Begins!

Another fun fact about Maine is that it is home to Easton, the most Eastern city in the United States.  It is also the only state whose name is only one syllable.  What really makes me want to visit is the abundance of lobsters....or should I say lobstah?  In Maine, they serve lobster much like we serve shrimp...boiled, broiled, baked, fried...you get the picture!  I'm looking forward to eating mine today without getting my hands dirty - cracking the shell can be a lot of work!

Lobster Rolls:

1 pound lobster meat - cooked, cleaned, chopped
4 top cut hot dog buns
1/4 cup mayo
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons basil - chopped
salt and pepper to taste 

In a bowl, combine the mayo,

Lemon juice,


Salt and pepper to taste.

Gently fold in the lobster meat.

Place lobster salad in refrigerator for 5 to 10 minutes. This allows the salad to absorb the flavorings.

Brush cut sides of the rolls with melted butter,

Toast under the broiler until golden brown,

Fill with the lobster salad.


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