Our Staycation - Cooking Across the Country!

Summer Vacation is here! We have 63 days to enjoy a little fun in the sun before returning to our classrooms! So, with lots of free time and a limited budget, we are planning to cook our way across the country!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Going HOG Wild in Arkansas!

While the there is only one state motto for Arkansas (The People Rule), there are many state mottos.
The most famous is The Natural State but I tend to enjoy The Toothpick State, It's All Relative in Arkansas, and Arkansas: Where You're Daddy is Your Uncle.  Those who know me could easily pick out my favorite- Arkansas: Litterasay Ain't Everthang!  It makes me giggle though I know people could say the same thing about Georgia...you know, kind of like throwing stones while living in a glass house-or something like that anyway.  Seriously, Arkansas has a lot of history and is a big contributor to our country.  Lots of great foods originated there which made it difficult to decide on dinner plans!  We decided on Southern Fried Catfish, Arkansas Green Beans, and of course the fresh Purple Hull Peas.  One thing I have not made on our travels across the country has been dessert - but tonight is a must!  When I read about Possum Pie I was hooked...stay tuned!

Southern Fried Catfish:
I found this recipe on a Little Rock travel site.  I tweaked it a little to save on calories---haha!  Here is what you will need:  2 pounds fresh catfish, 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons of water, 1/2 cup of flour, 1 1/2 cup of bread crumbs or cornmeal (we used cornmeal) and peanut oil for frying.

In a bowl, add crack three eggs,

Now add the water and scramble. 

For the batter, we are going to use the typical dry, wet, dry mix.

Rinse your catfish and roll the moist catfish in the flour.

Dip the flour covered fish in the egg mixture.

Roll the fish in the breadcrumbs/cornmeal. 

Let the fish sit for 10-15 minutes to allow the batter to soak into the fish.  This will make for a crisp crust.

Fry the fillets until the fish flakes easily with a fork.  Cooking time is about 4 minutes.

Arkansas Green Beans:
When looking for foods native to Arkansas I saw this recipe every where.  It looked really simple and I decided to give it a try.

Drain a large can of green beans and put them in an oven safe pan.  I usually use fresh but am only following directions. 

Take 3 slices of bacon and put them in the microwave on a paper plate for 3 minutes. 

When ready, lay them on top of the green beans.

Now, you will need to make the sauce.  Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a bowl,

Add 1/4 cup of brown sugar,

1 Tablespoon Worchester Sauce,

and 1/2 teaspoon of garlic powder.

Mix well.

Pour sauce evenly over the green beans and bacon.

Put in a preheated 350 degree oven for 25-30 minutes. WARNING:  The green beans smell great while they are cooking and even better when they come out of the oven.

Possum Pie (Yes, it did say Possum):
I was a little scared of the contents in this pie until I read the ingredients.  It is really just cream cheese, powdered sugar and pudding in a graham cracker crust...but what a conversation starter!

The first thing you need is two blocks of cream cheese softened to room temperature.  Put them in your mixer first.

Next, add 3/4 cup of powder sugar.

Blend until smooth.

When ready, pour into a graham cracker crust.  You can make one from scratch but this was quick and I was not sure I wanted to spend the time on a pie I might not eat!

Measure 1 3/4 cup of COLD milk.

Add it to a mixing bowl.

Next you will need two small packages of instant pudding - one chocolate and one vanilla.

Add them to the milk.

You will need 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract.  (This is my perpetual vanilla that I LOVE - ask me about it later!)

Once all ingredients are added, mix well for two minutes or at least until the pudding is set.

Pour the pudding on top of the cream cheese mixture layer.  Let it set in the fridge for 4-6 hours.

The next step is adding a small tub of Cool Whip on the top. 
I started out with a large dollop and slowly added more until the top was covered with a large mound of Cool Whip. 

The final layer of Possum Pie calls for PECANS.  Since Chad calls them one thing and I call them another, I decided to make it easy and top it with chopped Snickers Bars! 
I think the caramel will add to the flavor.
I couldn't resist...I cut a piece before dinner to see what all the fuss was about - YUM!

Thanks for stopping by...I hope you enjoy some of these recipes from Arkansas as much as we did!

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